David Fremlin's home page

I have opinions of my own -- strong opinions -- but I don't always agree with them*.

  • The Covid-19 toll, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023.
  • Income tax returns, 14.11.21.
  • How long do things last?, 27.8.21.
  • The Trump file, 6.1.21.
  • Poems lifted from various places, 21.1.21.
  • Together We Grow CIC are running a tree planting programme for Colchester Borough Council, 2.2.20.
  • My University of Essex site at http://www.essex.ac.uk/maths/people/fremlin has been moved to my mathematical homepage.
  • Button failure on HP32SII RPN Scientific calculator, 14.1.18.
  • Conway's Century Puzzle, 31.1.17
  • Enemies of the truth, 31.1.17.
  • Things, designs for three-dimensional printing, 31.1.17.
  • Crapaud (or Crapette): a competitive patience game for two players, 10.10.16.
  • Knots, 2D and 3D representations for elementary knots, 6.7.15
  • Lies, damned lies and Times headlines, 28.7.13.
  • Why people hate mathematics, 9.12.12.
  • The strangled cuckoo.
  • Why "cockroaches"? Aaron Segal gives the background.
  • Climate Change: the facts, 14.10.10.
  • Piano fingerings, 31.10.06.
  • Peter Singer, Look your dinner in the eye, 7.10.06.
  • An idea which might be worth trying: deliberative polls.
  • List of characters in "Life and Fate" by Vasily Grossman, 19.6.05.
  • Proportional representation with single-member constituencies, 24.5.05.
  • Fremlin Family Tree to 1900.
  • My manifesto for the forthcoming general election, 19.4.05.
  • Lincoln, 12.1.1848; attacking Iraq, 3.2.03; the world's policeman, 21.3.03; Letters from Guantanamo Bay, 17.7.03; People the law forgot, 3.12.03; Mark Danner, Iraq: The Real Election, 28.4.05.
  • I was formerly secretary of the Colchester branch of Muscular Dystrophy UK.
  • Book review: Roger Scruton, "An Intelligent Person's Guide to Modern Culture".
  • This is a cookie-free, script-free, flicker-free zone.
  • B'Tselem monitors human rights in Israel and occupied territories.
  • Peter Wexler, A teacher's perplexicon.
  • The chief blessings of life are a wife to love, children to care for, a job to do, a house to live in and a sound digestion.
  • Finding 25 Ireton Road.
  • The paedophile file; what the News of the World won't print.
  • See my method for alleviating hay fever.
  • I slip in a guide to my family's websites: Maria, John, Peter, Celia Margaret, Margaret, Torres Fremlin.
