Anonymous, "Alison"
John Donne, "The Good-Morrow"
John Dryden, "Alexander's Feast"
Robert Browning, "My last Duchess"
Dante Gabriel Rossetti, "Even So"
Thomas Hardy, "In Tenebris II"
Thomas Hardy, "His Immortality"
Robert Louis Stevenson, "The Last Sight"
Robert Frost, "Fire and Ice"
David Herbert Lawrence, "Snake"
W.H.Auden, "Law, say the gardeners, is the sun"
Philip Larkin, "Church Going"
Sylvia Plath, "The Arrival of the Bee Box"
Robert Graves, "Lollocks"
Robert Graves, "The Cure"
Andrew Motion, "Columbia Road"
Suzanne S., "Hausapotheke"
Ian Hamilton, "Steps"
Robin Robertson, "Dionysus and the Maiden"
Michael Hofmann, "Auden"
Amanda Gorman, "The Hill We Climb"

Oxford Book of English Verse. (Press "Random" for service.)

Appendix: a short list of war poems.

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